When I was comfortably employed I neglected to notice the term 'frugal'. It sounds sort of weird too- 'FRU-GUL'.
Side note: The EmbedPlus site does the word justice. The site is stepping up from traditional dictionaries and providing a platform where the user searches a word, hears the pronunciation and then watch it in a real situation on youtube. A fantastic learning tool, and should get noticed as soon as possible.
Frugulity is defined as "the tendency to acquire goods and services in a restrained manner, and resourceful use of already owned economic goods and services, to achieve a longer term goal". Being frugal is simply making smart economical choices. Althought the term can intersect with minimalism, the words shouldnt be confused as being the same thing. Adopting a minimalistic lifestyle is require many changes, while being frugal is adopting a attitute change focuced on financial goals. I've adopted only 2 things to teach myself about frugality, and at the moment it is all I need to be in control of my financial circumstances.
In midst of self employment, I finally understand to appreciate being resourceful and economical. My financial insecurities were peeping their ugly head and without a plan there will be tears.
To stretch the dollar I tried the following things:
1. Got on Ebay.
The process of selling on Ebay was a great learning experience. You pay a small sellers fee, but the support is great. It teaches you to think about profit considering postage, how to write to create interest for your product, taking the right photo angles to make your shoes look the best they can. So far I have not made a sale but I'm optimistic- you gotta be in it to win it.
With reference to the quote above, selling things on eBay is 'resourceful use of already owned economic goods ..for long term goal'.
2. Be a Purposeful Buyer
There are two stages which I have been implementing recently and have learnt to do it reasonably well. At first I asked myself the following questions:
Q1.'Do you really need it?' and
Q2. 'What can it do for me ?'.
Later on I refined the questions. These questions allow you to match your needs with the purpose of the product. No match, No buy.
New Q1 :'Can i survive without this product?'
NewQ2 : What can it do for me today?' .
The difference in these questions really does make a huge difference. The first forces you to access your needs based on survival, and yes, most likely I will be fine without a new pair of shoes. I'll just end up selling them on Ebay in two weeks when I get desperate for more survival needs, such as food !
The second question forces you to consider immediate needs -addressing your needs today.
Minimalism is a big merging trend at the moment and Leo Babauta creator of
Zenhabits, talks about 'finding simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives'. Zen habits talks about some big idea in uncomplicating your life, however I've noticed that doing so can be somewhat boring. So currently I'm only being frugal as a solution to my financial situation- and not getting too involved with the mimimalism hype. I might take interest in it when im older, but now I'm embracing the whirlwinds of technology and the dramatically busy city life - I may even be overwhelmed by it- but its too early for the minimalistic lifestyle.